Have Coffee With … Me

My name is Morgan Grace and I’ve decided to follow Jesus.

“Until I come, devote yourself to the public readying of the scripture, to preaching and teaching.” 1 Timothy 4:13

Welcome to “Having a coffee with…”

I’m so glad that you’ve decided to visit and read this blog and hopefully get to know Jesus & the Bible through my eyes – the eyes of a twenty-something millennial who just wants to live sent. I need Jesus because I have sinned and need His gift of grace. It is freeing to accept it, I couldn’t earn it, I dont deserve it, yet it is freely offered to me and to you. My purpose in life is this: Live Sent – Tell the World of this man called Jesus Christ and what He’s done. It is why I’ve created this blog. I will be sharing stories of the people in the Holy Bible with you as if I was having coffee with them and catching up as friends. I want you to get know the Bible and learn about the Good Book and the people in it.

This blog is created with the idea the Lord brought into my heart and mind on June 21st around 4:00 in the morning. I woke up at 3:34 am and was unable to get back to sleep. My soul was restless and I remembered something my mother used to say. She has told me that when she cannot sleep, she prays. There are times she is sure that the Lord has something He wants to tell her when He wakes her up that early. I have found this to be true. Most of the time, I can pray, talk to the Lord, and fall back asleep within a half hour. This was one of the three times that the Lord has woke me up and kept me up.  

It was as if the Lord was helping me to make time for Him since I had failed to make time on my own to study His word as well as listen and talk to Him.

I sat on my back porch and enjoyed the early morning while spending time trying to listen to God and what He was saying to me

He spoke into my heart in the early morning. Long story short, He challenged me to examine myself and ask “how am I living sent?” and “what will I do today to tell others about Jesus?”.  You see, Living Sent is what Christians are called to do. We are sent to live a life for Jesus and reach those who don’t know the name of Jesus and tell them the Good News. That Jesus has died on the cross for the sins of the world, conquered death, and rose victorious and invites us to join Him in the victory. It is a gift, we cannot earn it. 

 “Right before Jesus ascended he said to his disciples ‘I’ve received all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I’ve commanded you. Look, I myself will be with you every day until the end of this present age.'”(Matthew 28:16-20)

My name is Morgan Grace and I am a 23 year old who loves the Lord and is seeking to spread His message to the world. I have been a Christian since I was in pre-school/kindergarten. On the day I was saved, I went home from school and told my mom I wasn’t ready to accept Jesus into my heart yet because I wanted to “have some fun first”.

By the end of that day, I was crying to my mom telling her I wanted Jesus to save me because I wanted to go to heaven

Fast forward to 2018, I was in my senior year of college at Washington State University (Go Cougs!!!). I was working to grow closer to the Lord that year. I had taken a step back from the church and God the year before because I had lacked the discipline and desire to prioritize God first. Luckily, I had some amazing friends who allowed the Lord to used them as a tool to reach others – I was one of them. I was invited to go to Resonate Church and this invitation changed my life forever. My friends were living sent and re-ignited my love for the Lord. This was the push to the first domino that lead to my complete surrender to Jesus as my Lord and Savior. 

Because of my complete surrender, I made the decision to be baptized for the second time in my life just days before I graduated. This baptism was done as an outward expression of the new change in my heart. I had been saved by grace for almost two decades but I never let Jesus be my LORD. I allowed him into parts of my life but this was new. – this was complete surrender. It was the most amazing day – marginally better than the wonderful graduation that occurred just days later. This was monumental. I had always put my personal education in front of my mission for Jesus and before my relationship with Him. But the same week I was taking my last finals and ending my college career was the same week I finally got it right… JESUS FIRST

Won’t you join me?

13 thoughts on “Have Coffee With … Me

  1. Morgan,
    This is a beautiful blog and I cannot wait to read more! Your writing is so captivating, thank you for sharing your passion with us. ❤️


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